Stop looking bored on stage!

I’ve photographed many punk, rock, metal and what ever else bands. You know the kind of bands who say how they are so excited for their latest gig and can’t wait to party with you etc? I’ve noticed the bands that progress and start to live their dream are the ones who show how excited they are to party with you and let rip when on stage. I get asked by some people “do you have any photos of me where I look happier?” or “do you have a shot where my face is visible?” The answer to both is always no. You look sad, bored whatever because that’s how you looked the entire time. You want to know why your face isn’t visible in any shot? You were looking at your guitar the entire time.

Now I get that you may not be full of confidence because maybe you’ve just started out… BUT do you honestly think the crowd are ever gonna really engage in your music and what you’re doing if you aren’t engaging with them? At that point you may as well put you’re EP CD on, very little difference between the two. Look up, smile at people, give them a lil nod whatever you like, just acknowledge them. They’ve took time out their day and often spent money to come see you perform, so make them feel like it was worth it!

Toby during soundcheck.
Toby during soundcheck.

For instance, I love going to see my friend Toby play drums as he actually looks like he wants to be there. He looks so relaxed playing the drums, smiling at people in the crowd, pointing his sticks at who ever and you know what? He makes me want to go back again and again.

If you are wanting to play bigger and bigger gigs etc do you think anyone will want a band who won’t even in engage with a crowd in any capacity? Like how hard is it really for you to ask how the crowd is doing? Simple things like that go a long way.Bands seem to forget that they don’t need to play perfectly or sing flawlessly, stop worrying about all that and learn to relax and actually enjoy it with your fans! It won’t just make your gigs tons better but you’re fan base will grow.

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