I was speaking to my mum about the time she met her idol Donny Osmond this year. She burst out crying just as she said hello to him but luckily for my mum he has dealt with this kind of situation before and knew how to handle it. So here are my top tips for not making a fool out of yourself when you have a chance to meet your idol that you’ve just seen on stage for 90 minutes.
1. Don’t scream and shout
Will.I.Am may want you to scream and shout his songs but probably not when you are meeting him. Imagine if someone greeted you by screaming at the top of their lungs, it would freak the hell out of you. Would you want to talk to someone if they screamed every time they saw you? I guess the answer is no.
2. Don’t just compliment them, ask them something
I don’t think anyone deals well with people throwing compliment after compliment at them. By all means mention you thought they put a top notch performance on but try asking them questions. The conversation will last much longer and you’ll get much more out of it.
3. Don’t ask stupid questions
I know I just said you should ask them questions but not things like “What are the chords to your new single?” or “when will you next be playing here?” If their answer could take more than a few minutes they probably won’t answer properly if at all as they’ll be all too aware they need to say hello to everyone else there. Also, ask yourself if they will know the answer? So many people ask “when are you next playing in XYZ city?” The artist usually says something like “I don’t know yet, but I hope to be back soon!” Was it worth asking that in all honestly?
4. Leave photos for the end of the conversation
Don’t start by asking for a photo at the start as the conversation after that quickly ends as it’s a natural way for them to move onto the next person. Instead say what you’ve gotta say and ask what you want to ask and THEN ask for a photo. This gets you the conversation and photo you wanted.
5. Thank them for their time
Imagine you just did a couple of hours over time at work and no one thanked you for staying on. You wouldn’t do it again in a hurry would you? Same applies here, they will be exhausted and will just want to relax. Manners cost nothing, literally nothing.
You got any embarrassing stories about you or a friend meeting their celebrity idol? Tell me them in the comment section below!