I’m not sure how you’d describe Amber Run, like who do you compare them to? You don’t, that’s the point. You will start comparing other bands to them like “XYZ are like Amber Run with less talent”. They are currently taking the music scene by storm, the momentum is totally with Amber Run right now. I heard of Amber Run as other musicians I follow on Twitter were saying how great they are, and naturally I was intrigued. Their performance is full of anthems, catchy lyrics and butt load of atmosphere. I’m glad I was intrigued.
As the crowd cheered/clapped/whistled between songs Joe would laugh with his other band mates out of what seemed excitement for the sheer fact they were performing for their fans. I particularly loved their song ‘Noah’ as I often think “would this be good to listen to on a long journey?”. I’ll tell you now, on my train journey home I bought their album 5AM. I spend a good chunk of time on trains going to gigs in a city on my own listening to music for hours on end. This album is absolutely perfect for this and has been added to my main playlist that I listen to for about 3/4 hours a day.
If you get the chance I honestly think you should go see these guys live, especially as you will be kicking yourself when you here they are playing stadium shows in just a few short years.