Live Sessions

We structure our live sessions individually tailored to your needs. During our live sessions, we work closely with you to ensure your aims are achieved. Using industry standard equipment and expertise, we provide a professional experience that results in an array of camera angles to show you at your best. Alongside crystal clear video, and professionally mixed and mastered audio, we’re confident you’ll love the results!

Our packages, Single, EP and Album all deliver the same quality the main difference is the amount of songs you’d like to record. So for just 1, 4 or 10 songs we will have you covered!

Live Sessions

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Features Single EP Album
Professionally Recorded Audio and Video
Number of Songs 1 Upto 4 Upto 10
Time to Record 2 Hours 4 Hours 8 Hours
Delivery of Completed Video(s) 6 Days 12 Days 24 Days
Price £160 £480 £995